Postings By Bee

A partial peek into the life n likings of Bee and Ess

Location: United States

A homemaker. A wife. A sister. A daugther in law. A friend. Currently unemployed but havin' the best time ever, all thanks to Ess

Wednesday, December 21

My First One

Well folks, here I am .

New country, new life, new friends, new environment, new blah blah blah...

USA did give me the cold welcome, so to say, what with the snow being all around the place when I landed here one and a half weeks back..

Now back home, we have everything so colorful.. The only color I could see here then was in my husband's art kit! Well.. Now its kinda improved with the sun peeping into our house to check if we are doing fine!

Discovering new things everyday does add joy to life! Like this bloggy thing, an ex-colleague (sounds worse since I am not working anymore) told me about it, and I kept keeping it for the ONE FINE DAY which is today!

I hope to write not about some fancy world breaking stuff, but something based on my day to day experiences out here. Well, so blog-readers world, here I am, here and now....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy the time !!!

December 21, 2005  
Blogger Dinesh Babuji said...

Welcome to the blogging world!

December 21, 2005  
Blogger Dinesh Babuji said...

Welcome to the blogging world!

December 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish ..
I hope you woke up this morning with a big smile on your face.. I hope the sun is shining just for you and the birds are singing their very best songs ... I hope your coffee is hot and tastes just right and the cats are purring contentedly, and the mail man waves a cheery hello ... and there are no bills in the post
I hope that your day is filled with lovely surprises and friends call you up just to say "Hi" ... I hope you feel on top of the world ...with a spring in your step all day I hope just everything goes your way I hope everything is well with your world, a place for everything and everything in it's place ... I hope you can enjoy all you do ... and you are complimented on the way you look, and you can laugh and talk and share to your heart's content
I hope you have all you wish for yourself . . . and those dear to you, and all your dreams come true ... and at the end of the day I wish you a perfect moon shining just for you, a snug and cosy bed with the softest of pillows and I hope you sleep like a lamb . . . with a smile on your face I hope you have a perfect end to the perfect day ... and I hope that every day is just as wonderful in it's own way…

December 21, 2005  

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