Well.. So Sunday was MahaShivratri. The festival devoted to Lord Shiva (pic above, with Parvati and Lord Ganesh, and Nandi the bull) where millions of devotees the world over conduct poojas or chant ''Dwadashjyotirling'' or something on those lines... The name itself talks about ''ratri'' í.e. night. MahaShivratri is an occasion for a lot of folks to be up all night and drink.. Or for some folks, eat ''faraal'' items. For the uninitiated, you can find lots of ''faraal'' recipes on
Anyways, I am on a doc prescribed diet so cannot follow all the high calorie ''fast'' stuff, or should be say, ''feast stuff''...
We didn't celebrate it in either of the two ways. Ess made a lovely south indian khana at home, becos we had invited a friend over. The menu was Tomato Rasam, Parupurundai Kuzhambu (We had to look up the net for this recipe, and found it ultimately on , where else, but, Sabudana Kheer, Cabbage in Tam style, and of course, Steamed Rice..
All in all, twas a day well spent.. with Shiva in our hearts..
Bee-ism: Its the thought that counts, hopefully ..